Tuesday 21 January 2014


This is our sequential storyboard for our film trailer; Caged, when creating this prototype as a team Becka and I made an equal contribution in the drawing and editorial process, Becka’s more physically creative than I am so she drew each image and I put it together using iMovie. The storyboard allows us to see a linear overview of what’s to appear later on in our real trailer. Additionally a storyboard allows us to review what parts we may have forgotten or ones we should leave out, it ultimately guides us through our original idea of the film we’ll later produce. Constructing our storyboard didn't allow us to push our editing skills because I feel the storyboard needed to be plain and concise, the use of effects wasn't necessary and I simply wanted each scene to flow into another, however it did improve our organisation skills as we now had a set plan which we should follow.

Producing the storyboard took the shortest amount of time yet will later on benefit us massively; it wasn't time consuming because we produced simple sketches of images and simply filmed them one by one. It’s obvious when looking back on our storyboard that we could have been more creative, and how we have adapted, improved and added in scenes that didn't originally exist in the storyboard. 


  1. It is vital that you analyse this. What shots have you used here and why? Think also about the sysnopsis of the whole film and how your storyboard fits into that.
    Mrs H

  2. Can you please analyse this sequence?
    Mrs H
