Friday 17 January 2014


A synopsis is a summary of a whole film, the following text will give an insight on the actual purpose and content of the film, by creating this it gives the audience a full idea of what to expect within our film if it was produced.

Jason is a 24 year old devoted father to 3 year old, Annabelle, having lost his fiancĂ© during childbirth he devised all his love and energy into Annabelle. The engaged couple were perceived to be the perfect match and others would only see the brave face the mother had put on, little did they know she had suffered years of abuse and violence from her husband.  The only thing Jason has to remember his fiancĂ© by was their daughter and a chain passed through generations.
On a standard night after Jason had tucked his little girl into bed, when rechecking his daughter she had disappeared, there hadn't been any clues of burglary or abduction, and she had just simply disappeared.
The on-going mystery of her disappearance continued eventually causing degradation of his mental ability, for the past 15 years he has been trying to track his daughter at the disbelief that she could be dead. Having a mental disorder has driven him to desperation; he noticed a young female who had similar features of his daughter. Tracking her every day and every move he soon discovered that the young female wore a pendant matching the one his wife had given Annabelle, on a mission to get his daughter back he plans abduction.
The abduction consisted of luring her in through a baby trap, this is where he disguised his daughter’s carrier to give the impression that a child had been abandoned on the road, and in hope that she'd stop so he could kidnap her. As he tracked her movements he knew the exact times of the day that she would pass through a certain road, the aim was to complete this on an empty route so that he wouldn't be caught in action. Once the girl noticed the carrier she immediately stopped and looked within the blanket which was mysteriously emptied, she was then grabbed and hauled through the woods and into a white transit van.
As the film advances the vulnerable teenager that Jason has abducted becomes a distorted character, her identity declines and she eventually loses all her normal characteristics becoming something someone would label as ‘feral’. The film centres on the teenager trying to escape the ‘father’ however struggles because of his over-obsession for his long, lost daughter.
The film looks upon the mental disorder that Jason develops because he is obsessed with finding his daughter that was originally taken, as he’s increasingly mental he builds the idea of abducting the girl he believes to be his daughter as she wears the same pendant Annabelle wore. He was driven to insanity and began to be mentally unstable hence the reason for abduction the female he believed to be his daughter rather than informing her of his purpose or contacting police to identify the girl.
Until the ending of film the audience is then exposed to who had really taken Annabelle from her father, as a plot twist the little girl had gone missing because her mother who was supposedly ‘dead’ had faked her death yet conjured a plan to get Annabelle back from the father. This makes the audience question why she had done this, and why it was such a secret from the man she was supposedly meant to be happily engaged to. The real reason why she had faked her death was to remove her from the rocky relationship that Jason defined as perfect; the lack of attention drove the mother to fake her death to get out of the relationship. She deemed Jason safe to keep her child for 3 years of her beginning life as he devised all of his energy, love and care into her, whilst she thought of the perfect moment to get her back, the years of abuse and violence the mother had faced drove her to take his ‘prized possession’ as an act of revenge, she knew that he would not give up until her found her therefore driving him mental and distorted.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously this is unfinished - can you make sure you complete it urgently?
    Mrs H
