Monday 6 January 2014


This isn't our final billing-block, this was as far as I could go using Photoshop, in the final billing-block I have made the smaller text within the text to fit underneath one another, like the Rock Of Ages billing block.

I have specifically designed my billing block as a direct replication of the Rock of Ages billing block because when I researched the examples this one was the one that I believed to look the most genuine and was exactly what I would have expected from a billing block.
The only thing that I need to edit and change from the billing block I have produced is the ‘title of film’ included both within the actual billing block and in the hyperlink for the film, the only reason to why we didn’t include the real title of the film was because we was unsure of what we was calling the film, however now that we’ve decided a name we’re able to adapt this into the billing block so the ‘title of film’ will be removed and replaced.
I feel this was positively impact the billing block and film poster as a whole (as it would included on it) because every film poster that I’ve viewed contains a billing block. I was able to create a billing block by downloading a specific layout from the internet, once downloaded I simply had to Photoshop the text I needed and so that it replicated the Rock of Ages piece I had to enhance it further using PowerPoint so that the smaller text within the billing block would be even smaller and on two lines, like so: 

This image is the one that I've adapted to create a more official looking billing block, I had purposely replicated the Rock of Ages billing block so that it was more official and if I'd almost directly copied the same layout as a real billing block I couldn't have gone wrong. I have now Photoshopped the title of the film into the billing block, this was essential as we couldn't keep 'title of film' within the billing block. I am satisfied with what I've produced as it's listed every important name that should be included within a billing block; for example: who it presents, who it's in association with, etc. 
I feel that Becka and I have successfully created a billing block that looks professional, even though it doesn't completely replicate the Rock of Ages  billing block because the font is different and layout is slightly different; I believe the attempt is quite good. Featuring a billing block positively impacts our trailer and reinforces the idea of a a professional film and trailer. It shows our attention to detail because we've ensured our billing block resembles an existing one that is of a professional quality, it shows we have considered all the vital factors that a media product should feature. 

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