Monday 6 January 2014

Film questionnaire

In order to produce a successful film trailer we needed primary research to back up the secondary data we had retrieved from the internet, real films, advertisements and general trailers. Primary research allows the individuals around us to have their own say on their opinions on what they enjoy about films and their trailers. The viewer preference will allow us to adapt our three media products to how the majority would like the certain product and essentially make our products more effective. Our questionnaire is made up of questions that allow Becka and I to see what age group prefers what type of films and why, how often they attend movie theatres/cinemas and overall give preferences so that we're able to adapt our targeted age range and content. We'll have to ensure we use a variety of age ranges to support and fill in  our questionnaire to widen our knowledge of what different age ranges enjoy, it will allow us to review what different target audiences aren't fond of and what we should be fulfilling to capture our target audiences attention.
Creating a questionnaire is a vital procedure, so in that case using quantitative and qualitative data we was able to receive both open and closed answers and opinions.  We decided to continue asking for the gender and age of the individual, even if it may seem irrelevant, this was so that we could gather the opinions of both genders with all different age groups to adapt our media products to their combined preferences.
The questionnaire helps us justify the reasoning of our media products, for instance; if we include specific features they'd be based around the questionnaires from the people who fitted into our target market.
Becka and I wish to hand the questionnaire out to peers and people outside of our target audience so we're able to adapt our trailer to the needs of those in the target market and perhaps leaving out or avoiding what people outside of our market want. It's important to review the individual needs of different people in different age groups, I believe it will help us to make final amendments and conclusions on our storyline/genre/theme and conventions.
Here is the questionnaire

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