Wednesday 8 January 2014

Thriller convention mood board

Producing a mood board wasn't essential however I found it beneficial as it allowed Becka and I see review every convention of a thriller film, we've independently made a mood board so that it increases the awareness of what needs to be included within a thriller.  Using the main features of the mood board would provide a clear suggestion that the following trailer would fit into a thriller genre. With tin the mind map is what conventions are present in  media sources such as: mysterious, dark clothing etc, however some features are what to be expected within the editing of a media source (trailer, poster, magazine cover) such as: close up, high/low/mid angle. The duration of a trailer varies depending on the trailer type, genre, and popularity of the film so  I wasn't able to include the conventions for time consumption , however knowledge of general trailers informs me that it's usually around 2:30 minutes.  As we'd have to fill such a large gap we'd have to ensure we carried out much more footage then we'd generally need to make sure that we have enough content  if we needed, we will be fully committed into creating accurate editing and filming skills that we've learned whilst studying AS media.  By using more conventions of a thriller I believe our trailer will be more effective and will have a beneficial result on the feedback we receive as it would have meant we'd applied our knowledge and kept consistent with the genre theme. 
I strongly feel that  the extent of conventions used merely depends on the film narrative as some would have to express more in order to retrieve  a better review as a thriller film. Never the less if a  film attempts to create a film within the thriller genre basic conventions from the spider diagram would need to be hard as they act as the essentials. 

1 comment:

  1. It would be helpful if you gave some examples from real film trailers in your genre to show the points you're trying to make.about the conventions you are going to use. Add to this with some examples.
    Mrs H
