Monday 6 January 2014

Target audience

Choosing the target audience is one of the most significant features and has to be carefully considered because the content, display, presentation and storyline all depend on the age rating or certificate. Additional research into age certificates becomes compulsory in order to accurately tag a film. Already achieved knowledge meant that we had an idea that usually a thriller film is commonly labelled with a 15 or 18 age certificate, however some thrillers such as; The Lovely Bones varies as that is a 12A, so children still have to be accompanied. Saying this, it persuaded us further into opting for the 15 age certificate rating for our thriller trailer. Thriller films are usually set within the 15-18 certificate band because the content is usually shocking, violent, graphic, strong use of aggressive language and sometimes has a permanent feared effect on the individual.
From reviewing the BBFC (British Board of Film) I was able to get a better insight on age ratings and what they mean.
Here is what every age rating means, they're pretty self explanatory, however I'm most interested in the 15 certificate so I'll look at what the 15 age certificate rating requires.

From reviewing the 15 classification it has pushed me further into the idea of choosing the 15 certificate rating for the thriller trailer Becka and I are yet to produce. However to ensure that we fit within the age certificate we have chosen we need our product to be a little more edgy then we expected as the difference between a 12 and a 15 is the use of strong language and violence, unfortunately we cannot use the strong language within the trailer as they are shown to every audience however we can give an indication of what to expect by the scenes we show within our trailer.

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