Monday 6 January 2014


I believe thriller films to always use a very dark, mysterious location in order to set the scene and reinforce the idea of a thriller. I genuinely associate thriller films with a eerie field with dim lighting as if the sun was setting, or a forest-y setting.
Becka and I have briefly spoke about what location we wish to use and we have decided upon the following possibilities:
a wood, a country lane (where the baby trick happens), a dingy flat or home where the father lives.
From looking back at this we did use some of the locations we said we would, we used:
A home that looked wrecked, in the actual trailer we featured the kitchen where kitchen roll had been thrown everywhere. We did this to reinforce the insanity that the father had developed, that he doesn't care about his home any more he only cares for the returning of his daughter 
We also used a wood when the girl had actually been abducted, this reinforced the idea of a thriller film as I'd generally associate a scary wood with an abduction or thriller genre 
We did use a park to show the happy scenes of the father and daughter bonding, this was successful as the child actor we'd used had genuine excitement to go to the park and therefore captured great shots of her and Matthew bonding.
Whilst editing we had put an effect on each scene, for the abduction scenes we'd used the Sci-Fi effect, this created a very dark appearance over the scene which strengthened the idea of something bad was happening. Yet for the happy scenes that were flash backs from the past we're done in and Old Time effect, this created a very old fashioned look which I liked as it truly showed that these were past events. 

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