Tuesday 11 February 2014

Almost finished poster

We have almost finished our magazine poster, we are missing a vital feature of a magazine poster which is the image, the image acts as a huge give away for the film content and would allow a small insight of what the film will feature and expose in the trailer. Another feature that we have to update is our billing block, when I’d originally created it Becka and I were unsure on what we’d be calling our film therefore in the billing block it would say ‘title of film’ rather than the title ‘Caged’, however as we received feedback on our film title we now know the name therefore adaptations to the billing block has to be completed. I am very happy with the results of the magazine poster I feel it looks highly professional, we didn't copy the layout from another magazine poster however as we carried out primary/initial research it meant that we had a rough idea of how thriller posters are laid out and presented. 
We developed our film poster using Photoshop which Becka and I are quite experienced with due to other subjects we have taken, this had allowed us to push our technology skills and produce a better outcome than if we'd have used Word or PowerPoint in order to create our poster. The important missing feature will also be developed and enhanced using Photoshop where Becka and I will again use our experience to an advantage and create a better image. Using Photoshop tutorials will help us achieve the best outcome as we can experiment with different effects which will hopefully reinforce the thriller genre we wish to present to our audience. 

1 comment:

  1. It is vital that you stop just posting pictures and analyse and evaluate your products as you go along. Highlight the progress you have made, the changes and say why you have changed them. Give some reasons for your choices and say why you have gone with this colour/font/layout etc.
    On the mag cover you MUST import original headlines etc - you cannot just copy a layout and just add in your own image.
    Mrs H
