Wednesday 26 March 2014

Promotional Package

Successful movies rely on promotional packages, solely because they essentially promote the film creating greater success. Promotional packages act as the advertisement to attract the audience into wanting to see the film; if they advertise the film properly it ensures that the correct target audience they have originally aimed to cater for is enticed by each media product. Promotional packages consist of things like; magazine covers, posters and other media products that ultimately promote the main media product (such as a trailer).
Becka and I have both created a promotional package to accompany our film trailer; the increased advertising will ultimately promote our film trailer so it has become an essential process to create the other 2 media products. Promotional packages can be shown through different visual stimulus; this means that the same media product is often present in various ways, for instance: trailers are shown on the television at various times of the day on various channels; they are also shown at the cinemas and easily accessible on the internet. TV and internet sources are always beneficial to use because they ensure that a wide audience access the material that’s been produced, they are also the two main sources that people use which suggests more and more individuals will view the certain product.
Becka and I ensured that all of our media products that acted as the promotional package interlinked and were consistent, by using characters that feature in our trailer on our poster and magazine cover it suggested the main character roles within the film; it also gave a suggestion to the narrative and content of the film.

The aim of our promotional packages was to slightly reveal the narrative of the film without giving away too much; we also wanted to expose the genre of the film to our audience so that they had a pre-conceived idea of what to expect. I always view thriller films as the most spine-chilling and exciting therefore revealing this was a tactic that would hopefully excite a broadened audience. 
Final poster 
Final magazine cover

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