Wednesday 12 March 2014

80's music

As some of our trailer features scenes from the 90's it opened our options into the trailer music, for the happy scenes with the father and daughter paired together we could possibly use happier music whilst the abduction scenes could feature the gloomier, dark music. The real and produced music that gave relevance to the film was 80's song Time after Time, this links to the narrative of the film because the lyrics consist of: 
'If you're lost you can look - and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you - I'll be waiting 
Time after time'

This becomes related because it is how the father is feeling,  he was so devoted to his daughter that the search for her continued until she was returned, which resulted into him going insane and abducted a girl with the same pendant. 
The only problem with this is that within our trailer we're unable to use real music, we'd have to try and replicate something happy like this song for the happier parts of the film to reinforce the idea that this was the happiest time for the father. 

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