Wednesday 26 March 2014

Movie Production Logos

Production logos are visual information that is included in every film that’s been produced; some actually suggest the type of film that is yet to come as many movie productions cater for one type of film, whether that’s Pixar for Disney films or Lionsgate which is a multi-film organisation. Lionsgate is a production logo which is highly recognised because of how many successful films the company associate with, Becka and I found it an essential process to research upon what logo we should use to promote our film. As stated previously I feel that production logos often suggest what category or genre the film fits into as many only associate themselves with only a select few genres of film, this would provide a clear indication of what the viewers should expect with the following film. From completing my AS media course I have learned and became aware that specific production logos only associated with particular genres, in my AS project the production logo Becka and I decided to use was Paramount Vantage which I believe is a logo that is generally seen on thriller movies, although this was an option I felt  it was necessary to change the production logo because it would show our developed knowledge and show that we’ve took our time to research into greater logos that feature on a thriller genre; we decided upon New Line Cinema simply because of the recognition and popularity of the production, it also had a great association in supporting thriller films. There was a wide variety that we could have chosen from as they all featured on thriller films however we could only choose one and New Line Cinema seemed most appropriate. Reviewing already established films helped us to come to our decision on what production logo we should use, we took a lot of time to review films that had the same genre as ours to give us a clear indication of what production we should be using. We looked directly at trailers such as; Final Destination, Night Mare on Elm Street, The Lovely Bones and Prisoners and most of the previous selection featured New Line Cinema so it was obvious that this was the production that would fit our trailer best. If successful films had already used this production logo and had resemblance to our genre then it made sense to follow the same production logo. As it’s also such a well known ‘brand’ it may suggest that the film has greater professionalism and quality because it has the same logo as successful films. 

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