Wednesday 12 March 2014

Film title ideas

Becka and I have various film title ideas that we've considered, we decided to have several initial ideas, this way we could be able to see which one fits best to our film trailer. We have listed the initial ideas that we could use, we feel that all of them could be suited for various reasons however we narrowed the options down to 4 titles. We have listed those most appropriate stating the reasons to why we feel they fit with our movie trailer. The film title is a vital feature of our production, the title usually acts as a give away of what the film features of the genre of the film, we need a suitable title that meets our target audience and narrative, our aim is to fit in with the general conventions of a thriller film.
Becka and I have thought up some film title ideas that we could potentially use for our film trailer. We had developed a Prezi to present our film title ideas, here is the link:
Unfortunately the Prezi app wouldn't connect to the service and will only be shared via link therefore visual evidence will have to be retrieved from the Prezi webpage. 
Becka and I looked at a variety of possible names for our film title; all of the potential titles were influenced by the term 'trapped', the choices were either different versions of the words or words that we'd associate with the feeling of being trapped. These consisted of;
  • ·         Confined
  • ·         Imprisoned
  • ·         Caged
  • ·         Captured

There’s an obvious link between all four choices and this means that either could be used, however in the following paragraph is a more in-depth explanation to whether each title fits or not. It’s important that we chose a title that is highly gripping yet mysterious enough so that the viewer’s question what the narrative could be about, we don’t want it to be self-explanatory as this could mean that the viewers have nothing to look forward to if they were to watch the film as they’d have a good idea of what was to come. To ensure that we have chosen the correct name we will have to carry out a questionnaire on everyone who fits into our target group, this will then identify which titling fits the trailer and entices them to want to watch the film. The results will evidently expose what fits best and we will therefore choose it and make a final decision.
Confined: this title would fit as in our film the elder actress could be feeling the emotion of complete hopelessness and trapped within the fathers mind and abode, therefore the link would provide relevance to the film trailer. I retrieved the word confined using the synonyms for the word trapped, this meant that the word was directly linked to the feeling of being trapped and therefore had relevance to the film narrative and content. I didn't particularly like the word though, it didn't feel it was ‘edgy’ enough and wouldn't stick into the viewer’s mind. It didn't provide enough excitement and was quite long worded and could be considered boring, especially to the 15 year old target audience, they may not also know what the term means therefore putting off wanting to see the film.  
Imprisoned: is a strong possibility because it provides the sense of being trapped again, however we felt it to be too cliché and may suggest a different genre of film to our audience. Viewers could link the wording of 'Imprisoned' to do with a film that centres on prisons or individuals within prison, whereas we wanted our viewers to have the preconceived idea of what film genre our trailer would fit into. I felt that the term imprisoned was quite memorable even though it was fairly long, this is what I wanted to achieve but as previously stated the narrative or content of the film could be linked to something that the audience didn't expect. I want the title to meet the expectations of the film content and if the viewers were expecting to see a prison related film they could be disappointed by a thriller, abduction film.
Another alternative name suggestion was Captive: the word captive could refer to our main character being held prisoner so therefore it links and is relevant to the entire storyline of the film and trailer we'd have produced. 
Captured: was another option, Becka and I were dead set on this idea however felt it was very obvious to what the content of the film would be about, I wanted something that created some sort of mystery. I feel this title could be considered quite self-explanatory and completely gives away the entire content of the film; the noun ‘Captured’ is quite conventional for a thriller film. To me this would is effective however I would put off watching the entire film because it acts as a huge give away of the films narrative or storyline. Captured is a film title which is quite dull, dry and bleak.
Caged: this title could reflect our narrative as the film is based on a vulnerable teenager who is trapped and literally caged within the ‘fathers’ abode as he’s convinced it was his abducted daughter. Caged could be considered quite mysterious and I feel the audience wouldn't be able to directly identify the films content, it provides some evidence on the narrative however doesn't completely give it away. I feel the titles quite engaging and memorable as it’s a single syllable and creates mystery.

In conclusion and relation to film title ideas Becka and I have opted for using Caged as our film title, for obvious reasons stated above we feel it allows the most mystery and engagement from the audience. I feel that it allows an open view of what the films content could be as it could relate to their expectations or be completely different to what they expected. However as it links to the films content it means that it should have a higher chance of meeting the viewer’s expectations. Our results from our survey stated that our target audience were more intrigued by the word Caged, and if our target audience are more satisfied and contented by the name we have to follow their specific needs as we wish for the film trailer to meet their requests.

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