Tuesday 12 November 2013

Ideas that could feature in our final film trailer

Becka and I are very keen on the idea of using the thriller genre to produce the three media products (film trailer, film poster and magazine cover), we brainstormed ideas that could feature within our film trailer and the sequence our trailer could possibly play by, however this is only a rough idea. I initially thought of the idea after viewing a warning precaution from Facebook and other social sources; when reviewing social networking sites I picked up on a precaution from the Police warning people of a scam a group of youths are doing in order to rape and kidnap people. The warning message stated that people are putting prams, baby carriers or car seats on the edge of roads in order to confuse people into stopping and mistaking the pram for an abandoned baby, essentially luring the victims into a trap. After the person has stopped, the gang would then kidnap the person in order to rape, abuse or kill their victim, this precaution noticed on the social networking websites I use created the idea of using a storyline along the same lines however changing it slightly to a more interesting, gripping and emotional story.
  • begin with happy scene of father and young child
  • pendant is significant as it was passed down from late wife who died 
  • the fathers baby is then either kidnapped, missing or died and the father longs to find her, or replace her
  • father goes mental
  • newspaper
  • victim driving through a road (possibly country road) 
  • playing music as normal
  • 1 second shot of her being tied up (as a sort of flash-forward)
  • notices a baby in their car seat, immediately concerned and breaks instantly 
  • she looks in the car seat, looks within the white blanket and nothing is there
  • she is then grabbed and forced into the wood
  • see small slow motioned clips of her being violently attacked 
  • fast and concise shots of her being dragged up the stairs (like the unleashed)
  • search party
  • her hands and feet are tied together so she is unable to escape
  • at the end we are presented with the females eye 
  • zooms in fast but small shots getting closer each time  (like trailer: The Unleashed)
  • plot twist.... the mother wasn't really dead she took her little girl 
possible reason for abduction:
He had only but his little girl who mysteriously got taken after letting herself out from the open door, after not finding her years on he develops an unstable and psychopathic behaviour resulting into the longing for parenthood of a young, blonde girl that resembles his daughter
He then takes a girl he's observed by using the 'baby trick' on a small country lane and kidnaps her
As his little girl willingly left him he ties the kidnapped girl so she is unable to ever escape from him (like his little girl did) 
It makes him feel like he has his little girl back, the sense of fatherhood returns to him and completes him however stirs him into a higher mental level

"A father is supposed to be the one man who will never give up on you, and Jason never did"  

Quote we wish to add to our finalised film trailer to provide the viewers with a visual explanation of what's happening in our trailer... the creepy feel of the added music, visual video and this quote will hopefully create a thrill to the viewer and make them want to watch which is the aim for all film trailers.

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