Monday 11 November 2013

Choosing the genre

In our AS project we were instructed to create a film opening of our choice lasting only 2 minutes using the conventions of a true film opening of the same genre, alternatively this year the task is to construct a film trailer. My hope is for my film trailer to be a greater success than the previous years coursework task, I believe it will be because we have a heightened level of editing skills with a greater knowledge of media concepts and conventions. One may argue that Becka and I failed to achieve the best quality of work in our last coursework task as we weren't always focused and believe we work better under time pressure, therefore our aim is to strive to achieve in our A2 project. 
Secondary research has been a significant factor into choosing the correct genre of film for our A2 project, the greatest source of research is through the Internet, Trailer Addict and YouTube in particular. Our last coursework task was based on the thriller genre, we had completed the same sort of research in order to obtain what conventions were used within, therefore we already have a basic knowledge of.
Becka and I are swaying to the idea of incorporating our trailer into the thriller genre, we had previously completed a thriller themed film opening in AS media which allowed us to gain skills around the subject meaning that we should be furthering our understanding using the previous knowledge and skills we’d used combined with the fresh skills we’d gain from researching the same sort of genre in our A2 project. 
We have therefore concluded on the target audience we wish to pursue within our project of a 15 rating however specifically targeted at ages 15-20, the age gap isn’t very large so applying the specific needs to our target audience shouldn’t be too hard to achieve as opposed to a larger target audience such as 15-45. To ensure we cater for our chosen target audiences’ needs Becka and I will have to carry out our own primary research involving questionnaires and interviews from individuals who fit in the category and we’ll also be researching through secondary data from looking at thriller genre target audiences’, how extreme they go with trailer content and what features to make it appropriate for our target audience.

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