Wednesday 4 December 2013

Billing block

This billing-block was taken from a real life film; ROCK OF AGES, Becka and I wish to produce a similar billing block to go alongside our media products (trailer, film poster, magazine cover) in order to increase the professionalism of our productions. In order to create a realistic billing block using all the conventions used in a real life film, Becka and I decided to follow the same structure and similar text to this one, however obviously altering the names, producers, and overall material such as the PG rating. To begin we checked that NEW LINE CINEMA featured on thriller films as Rock Of Ages isn't in the thriller genre, when checking New Line Cinema was featured in a variety of films including thriller so it was acceptable to use.

To create a billing block I thought that it would be complicated so as the easiest alternative I simply used an internet source to find a template, once a template was found I had to download it and open it onto Photoshop. Fortunately I already have knowledge of using Photoshop due to taking A-Level photography, putting me at a slight advantage to those who don't because it can seem very complicated to a beginner. In order to change the text I had to click various layers and simply type in what I needed to alter the text, the template however did not include logos such as; Warner Bro's or New Line Cinema so I had to copy and paste them into another layer on the document and simply erase the previous background using the Magic Wand tool so that they would blend into the black background.
Once titles were changed (the film title still remains blank because we're still unsure of what we want to call our movie, this will be altered so that the title is included on the final products) I was able to then alter the text so that it looked more professional. On the Rock Of Ages billing block the smaller text within the text were columned so that each word was under one another, I couldn't change this using Photoshop as the template didn't allow it, so I had to transfer everything onto Microsoft PowerPoint and alter it from there.

This isn't our final billing-block, this was as far as I could go using Photoshop, in the final billing-block I have made the smaller text within the text to fit underneath one another, like the Rock Of Ages billing block.

1 comment:

  1. Uploading the images of your sources and showing what you are trying to create is good but you need to add some analysis and evaluation of it so that it doesn't just become a copy and paste exercise.
    What might you use of this?
    What will you reject?
    What do you like or dislike about it? And why?

    DON'T describe it - we can see it ourselves - analyse and evaluate.
    Mrs H
